Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Spain pleads for help in European crisis

The Spanish Finance Minister has announced Spain's inability to access its credit; the the impending crash of its economy if one of the larger EU economies (ahem, Germany) doesn't bail it out.

Basically, Spain wants Germany to help it out via a direct channel. Germany is willing to help; but wants Spain to go through all the usual procedures, rather than bypass the rules and set up a direct channel. Problem is, that might be too late for Spain, Europe's fourth largest economy.

Ok, so this really highlights the EU's deficiencies. One of them goes down, and they all have to bail it out. Well basically, it's only Germany doing all the bailing; and what's going to happen on the day when Germany needs help? Judging from all the countries they've been helping out, Germany is steadily being leeched of money by the other, needier countries, which isn't good for it. Europe is a pretty big mess right now; and needs to be stabilized.


Giant Spiders in India Prompt A Panic

In Northeast India, an epidemic of biting spiders has caused a panic with the death of two citizens.

The species of spider is unidentified as of now; and believed to be a variation of a tarantula.

Authorities are unsure if the spider bite caused the deaths, or if it was the primitive treatment. Both victims were tended by witch doctors, who drained the wound with razor blades. Now the seven other confirmed citizens who were bitten were given antibiotics, and monitored for any changes.

Personally, this isn't really all too surprising to me, as I'm Bengali. Superstition runs amok in South Asia, especially the rural areas, where few are educated about anything at all really. In my opinion, to prevent deaths like these from happening, the gov't should focus its attempts on sanitation, alongside education.


Hosni Mubarak's rapidly declining health after his sentencing

Former president Hosni Mubarak is reported to be in poor (or poorer really) health after his sentencing to life in prison was delivered for the deaths of protesters in the Egyptian Revolution.

the Egyptian people have protested, seeing this as his attempts to get off on the basis of leniency. Meanwhile, the Muslim Brotherhood is rallying an absolutely anti-military campaign with their candidate, Mohammed Morsi, who is to run against the former air force chief,  Ahmed Shafiq.

personally, i think that Mubarak is definitely trying to loosen up his prison sentence; but at the same time, he's an 84 year old sick man, who's going to probably die soon anyways. The people protesting against his release should realize this, and know that either way, he's not expecting a life of comfort or anything.


Al-Qaeda's Beta Leader is killed by a U.S. Air Strike

Abu Yahya Al-Libi was confirmed to have been killed by a CIA air strike on Tuesday.

al-Libi, who was the assumed successor after Bin Laden's death led Al-Qaeda's actions, and acted as their spiritual leader as well. With his death comes new found confusion for the Al-Qaeda as they don't have a clear successor; and a new found vigor in the attempts of the U.S. to shut down the terrorist group for good.

yay for the U.S.! i think that this is a huge breakthrough following the death of Bin Laden; after that, things went a little stagnant. but this shows that our long-term efforts paid off in the end.

however, groups like these have a nasty reputation of being stubbornly hard to remove, and so, the U.S. is going to have to zero in on the remaining areas before we can relax just yet.

read more: http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/us-strike-said-to-target-al-qaedas-no-2/2012/06/05/gJQAHTZiFV_story.html

What I Need--erm, Want:

-A Squirtle T-Shirt (personal reasons)
-A roommate that isn't scary (self-explanatory)
-A haircut
-A job (please please please not Coldstone)
-A PS3 (i need to play FF-13 asap...)
-Containers for college
-New glasses (boy in the cupboard under the stairs status over here)
-learn to be more sociable
-buy more chai bags
-use the diary my mom got me 6 years ago
-take pictures this summer!!!

Summer Plans

this summer, i plan to work, and hang out with friends as much as possible before Ramadan. admittedly, i can still see people and whatnot while i'm fasting, but one isn't really all that sociable when you're going without food and water for like 16 hours.

..is it really 16 hours? sounds so much more terrible when you type it out. i am definitely looking forward to when Ramadan is in the winter again for sure.

my parents had fuzzy plans for going to Bangladesh, but that's not exactly set in motion yet.

Needless to say, the idea of fasting in 100+ weather isn't appealing either...so maybe we'll hold off on Bangladesh till the winter?

Aside from that, I don't exactly have any exotic trips planned. just living the easy life.

High School Reflection

honestly, high school wasn't all that terrible. well, okay, maybe looking back on it, 9th and 10th grade were kind of sucky, seeing as we were all still kind of floating leaves, not really sure where we fit in, or who are friends actually were. It's so weird--those first two years, i talked with people i barely even know now.

11th and 12th grade were amazing. admittedly, they were both the most stressful years of my life (only gonna get better from here, i just know it) but at the same time, i felt fulfilled in my work ethic for school (maybe not so much second semester of senior year) and felt that my friends were genuine, and that i knew myself better.

though i'm excited for college, not gonna lie, i'm kind of feeling sad at the thought high school's already over. how was it so fast?! it seemed like yesterday when the first day of 9th happened.

at the same time, i am SO glad for a change of scenery, and the chance to see/experience new things in the "real" world.

so high school, it's been real. good times, and bad. in the end, i probably wouldn't change anything. now onwards--to college!!